Interestingly enough- the shop is STILL sitting at about 32 degrees. Havent lit the fire in there in like 2 weeks...
It was so cold that even our two kitties, who normally won't get within 10 feet of each other, decided to let past feuds lie for the moment...
The outside temps mean the upstairs temps get a little low. Started checking things with the infrared gun. The one storage room upstairs with the door closed was a*little* chilly.
I musta not been naughty enough for Santa, so I had to have a friend give me a bucket of coal to try out in the stove.
Didn't take much to get it going,
Threw in a couple of scoops of coal and viola!
Stove works great with coal, which I guess isn't surprising since that's what it was designed for... Going to pick up a few buckets of free coal tomorrow. We'll see how well it works over this week while we're home.