
Motorcycles, tools, and garages! A little bit of everything mechanical and technical.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Air engines and Sketchup Animations

Been tinkering with this for the last couple of weeks.  A new trimester starts next Monday, and I get to teach a new class.  This is one of the projects I'm hoping will turn out well...  We'll see.  I found this cool air engine project on instructables.com  :


As you can see, it is VERY involved, and uses about 30 different machine tools that I don't have in my classroom...  So I set about to re-create it using nothing more than a drill press, a welder, and various hand tools.  Here's what I came up with.

The class this is for is an Engines & Metals class, so there has to be some welding...  Making the "crankcase".

Making the cylinder.

First attempt at a piston- using an allen bolt I had sanded down.  Didn't work- didnt have enough piston skirt and it would get kinked sideways and jam.

Beggining assembly- the piece of bicycle chain was used for the crankshaft.

Exploded view of parts.  Note the piston- I cheated a little and spun it down on my Smithy Lathe.  I think with the right size drill bit and metal rod, I can get it to work with some light sanding in the drill press.


Some vid of it running!

And this was a breakthough for me- I finally figured out how to "animate" stuff in Sketchup.  I did this using the Proper Animation plugin.  Fairly simple, hoping I can get it to work a little smoother.  Still playing with it.


So there you go.  I have several changes in mind for the one my students will build, hopefully making it a little simpler to lay out and build without using any machine tools.  Watch for some samples in a few weeks!

1 comment:

Rojer Fredrick said...
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