
Motorcycles, tools, and garages! A little bit of everything mechanical and technical.

Friday, November 30, 2012


First Trimester done.  Sure flew by...

Thought I would share this.  The woods teacher across the hall taught a Construction Trades class this last tri, and this is one of the projects they did.  It's a working wooden model of a backhoe, complete with water-powered hydraulic rams (syringes).

Works great, too!  If he spent some time getting all of the air out of the system it would be a lot faster, but as it was he had come in on a non-student school day to finish it up.

On a completely unrelated note...  My 9 year old wanted to do some experimenting last night.


He's fine, didn't even get zapped, but it sure scared the bejeebers out of him.  He says he won't ever do it again unless he has the proper safety equipment, tools, and Mom and Dad's permission...  Not quite the message we were trying to convey when we were talking to him about it, but I guess it will have to do? 

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